Network Support

Network Support

Network Support

Our priority at Covered Tech Solutions (CTS) is to ensure your IT network keeps working at peak performance, so every other part of your business that relies on the network can function as intended. This is why we offer network support services to keep the devices, software, hardware, and every other part of your organization’s computer network up-to-date and running smoothly. Whether you are planning to hire your first Managed Service Provider or want a more experienced team of professionals to work on your computer network, Covered Tech Solutions (CTS) is your answer.

Why Support Your Business Network With Covered Tech Solutions?

With all your computer network concerns addressed by our service professionals, you will enjoy improved IT operations, comprehensive security and support, reliable high-speed network, and much more. Let our expert and experienced support engineers handle everything about your hardware, devices, and system infrastructures. With years of experience under our belt, we can better manage your network support devices and software, so your team can focus on other areas of your business that matters.

Don’t forget that your employees wouldn’t be able to focus on the tasks at hand and perform at their best if your organization’s servers, storage devices, switches, or any other part of your system network is malfunctioning. Our fully trained and knowledgeable engineers will perform system maintenance and backups as well as detect and fix issues before they become problems. This will help your employees get your products and services into the hands of your clients without hassles.

Still not sure whether to invest in our network support solutions? Call us and let’s come consult with you.

Network Support Services We Offer

Here at Covered Tech Solutions (CTS), we offer a wide range of network support services. We can handle network connectivity and application patches, WAN connectivity, internet security and monitoring, remote monitoring, operating system upgrades, internet circuit optimization and troubleshooting, bandwidth shaping, and documentation of network architecture, just to mention a few.

Don’t let your network be down for days, even hours if your in-house or external IT support team is unable to rectify a network problem. Instead, give us a call here at

Covered Tech Solutions (CTS). With remote management tools, we can even access your network devices remotely to discover and resolve the issue with ease and speed. And to prevent future major problems, we’ll be glad to become your permanent Managed Service Provider and keep watch over your systems.

With our comprehensive network support solutions, be assured that we will offer a network solution according to your business requirements. Reach out to us now to discuss your needs and get the support you need.

Why Work With Covered Tech Solutions (CTS)?

Perhaps you have come across different network support service providers and even listen to what they have to say. So you are now wondering why to choose us. Here are some of the reasons choosing Covered Tech Solutions (CTS) over the competition is better.

Experienced IT Network Support Professionals

With network support experience from the military, private sector, retail, churches, legal and medical environments to list a few. Here at Covered Tech Solutions (CTS), we’ve worked with small, medium-sized, and large enterprise clients in diverse industries. We are knowledgeable about numerous computer network systems and infrastructures found in many modern workplaces. So working on your network systems wouldn’t pose any problem whatsoever to our engineers. To know if we can help your organization, contact us today.

You Speak, We Listen

We know our network support solutions wouldn’t be as effective if we fail to consider your needs and wants. During the initial consultation with you and subsequent correspondences, we’ll always welcome inputs about your specific technology needs and how you would like your network to be handled.

We do this because we understand that the success of your organization and ours is tied together as a business partner. If we do everything we can to make your business a success, you’ll naturally give us referrals and more of your business.

Outstanding 24/7 Support

We not only offer network management and remediation services but also include round-the-clock network monitoring in our solutions. We don’t focus on whether a device is up or down; instead, we have numerous and sophisticated monitoring software that use hundreds of key metrics to detect and alert us about any problem in your network systems.

Remember that networks don’t just crash out of the blue. Network devices sometimes give away signals that indicate a major problem is on the horizon. Once any problem is detected within your systems, our team is alerted instantly and immediately triages the issue and begins troubleshooting. This proactive approach let’s us take care of potential threats as they arise before they become complex issues. To schedule a consultation with our expert engineers here at

Covered Tech Solutions (CTS), contact us now.

Support Your Network Today

What motivates every member of our team here at Covered Tech Solutions is seeing the businesses we manage having more time to focus on other crucial parts of their businesses. When you touch base with Covered Tech Solutions (CTS), we will schedule an appointment with you to assess your processes and systems.

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